2.3 up Executivesistant (EA) providesall-in-oneterface quickly reviewingr:
About Executivesistant +
Executivesistant (EA) providesall-in-oneterface quickly reviewingr:
+ Email: any combination GMail, Google Apps, POP/IMAP accounts. Exchangeoyou usesupported email client. Seelowlist supported clients.
+ Text messages: both native Google Voice,cluding pop-up reply options
+ Missed calls: return calls directly app
+ Calendar events (including Exchange & Facebooksupportedr phone)
+ Tasks:trid, DGT GTD (w/Pure Widget plugin), Google Tasksganizer, Got, GTasks Dato,Do Task Manager,uchDown
+ Feedly RSS feeds
+ Twitter timeline
+ Facebook news
Use any 4 modes:
+ Lock Screen: Uselock screen replacement previewofr stuffout going thrusle unlocking phone. choose whichfo safe show lock screen.
+ Welcome Screen:stant-on immediately after unlocking phone.
+ Home Screen Widget: 'always'terface wherever want. Usefull-widget thatcludespreview a,single-row, icons-only widget that shows app icons counts.sizes choose. Optionally useSense-like Glassme full-widget.
+ Lock Screen Widget:roid 4.2 & up also put EA widget system lock screen.
Full-widgets scrollableroid 3.0 & later, any launcher that supports version 2 scrollable widgets extension,: ADW, Launcher+, Go Zeam.
In every mode: launch apps, return missed calls, dial voicemail (optionally choose launch Google Voice, Visual Voicemail any or voicemail app).
Reply SMS messages directly Welcome Screen Lock Screen,out unlocking ( enable option).
Hostr favorite widgets & shortcuts lock welcome screen.
background image samer home screen wallpaper (including live wallpapers). Customize coland transpncy text displaysmodes. Optionally select custom icons tabs.
Integrates MetaWatch (MWM-CE & MWM-NE)
Supported POP/IMAP clients: AquaMail, Enhanced Email, K9 Kaiten Mail
Yount need usesupported client access POP/IMAP accounts EA, however,you,n EA accessr messages directly- database,out having fetchm overr data connection. Also, tappingmessage EA open corresponding app.
nt want usee supported email clients,n use EAs free POP/IMAP add-on fetchr messagesr mail server (EAstallyou decide use).
Supported Exchange clients:uchDown NitroDesk Enhanced Email Quantumlutions
want preview Exchange email EA,rst options use eiruchDown Enhanced Email.uchDowndedicated Exchange app that gives accessr corporate email, calendar tasks. Enhanced Emailgeneral email client that supports Exchange accounts addition POP/IMAP people also able accessir Exchange accounts using K9 Exchange servers also allow access via IMAP.
Note that we would also love support stock EMail & GMail appsunfortunately, Googlees currently allow 3rd party apps access those databases.
Evenout direct access GMail apps data, still have two good options accessingr gmail & Google Apps accounts EA:
1. enable IMAPr account (from GMail web, see Settings/Mail settings/Forwarding & POP/IMAP),n accessr account usinge supported POP/IMAP clients, POP/IMAP add-on.
2. select "Get Google" option when setting upr account EA EA fetchr gmail preview Googles servers.
Please email support@appventive.comyou have any questions problems.
Recent changes:
v2.0.8: adaptsme changes at Twitter
v2.0.7: fixesproblemme people were having pop/imap add-on
v2.0.6: performance improvement widget (homescreen & lockscreen)
v2.0.5: bug fixroid 4.3+
v2.0.4: updateroid 4.4
v2.0.3: EA lockscreen widgetcludes time & date, when collapsed,comes icons-only widget; v2.0.3c fixesproblemme people were having w/license verification.
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