v2.2+ Link2SDapplication that makes easyroid 1.6+ users root privilegesir phone move applications SD .
Link2SD application that makes easyroid 1.6+ users root privilegesir phone move applications SD .
ideahind same apps2sd scripts, linking applications SD 's second partitiondiffers two ways.
One, stead linking /data/app folder (that means moving applications), select applications that want move.
Two,'sapplication which meansuserterface. manager applications few clicks.
It also provides native apps2sd featuresroid 2.2 higher. move anyn-protected user apps SD (force move), batch moving capability.
That feature usesroid's standard SD- stallation featurees requiresecond partition. breakme appsy meant moved SD (Such Widgets).
- Create remove link apk, dex libs applications select
- Automatically link newlystalled apps (optional)
- Move any user apps SD even though appes support moving SD (a.k.a. "force move",roid 2.2 higher)
- Shows apps that support moving SD native apps2sd
- Set defaultstall location apps; auto,ternal, external
- Batch link, unlink, reinstall, uninstall, "move SD", "move phone" functions
-ify when movable appsstalled
- Uninstall system applications (bloatw removal)
- Freeze un-freeze system users applications
- Convert system appsto user apps
- Convert user appsto system apps
-tegrate "Updated" system appsto system (ROM)
- Clear data cache application
- Clearapps cache atce (1-tap cache cleanerouting root)
-ifytotal cache size exceeds specified size
- List applications, show detailed sizeformation link status
- Wide variety optionsrt filter apps
- Search applications name
- Display available spaceformationternal storage, SD SD 2nd partition
What need:
- root permission.
-second partitionr SD .
You should have two partitions SD both should primary.
FAT partitionr standard SD storage. second partition used applications ext2, ext3, ext4 FAT32.
Some phones lack ext2, ext3 ext4 system support may get mount errors like "no ", "invalid argument". se phones need ext2.ko ext3.ko modules evenme additional modules able mount. Using FAT32 second partition eleminate problems,cause FAT32 supportedphones.
Link2SD es create second partition, need createrself. use any partition manager Minitool, Paragon, Easeus. .
How works:
Link2SD mounts second partitionr SD makes OS mounts at boot time.
When press "Create Link" button Link2SD moves apk, dalvik-cache (.dex) libs (.so) SD 's 2nd partition creates symbolic linksiginal directories.
Note:roid 1.6 2.1, shortcut widget app should re-added homescreenyou move apk.
You remove links put applications back phone. Just click "Remove Link" button.
Some points
- System applications should linked SD . Link2SDes allowse applications linked.
- When connectr phone PC mass storage,roid unmounts FAT partition second partition remains mounted.refore linked applications affected runout problems.
- Link2SDes move application's private datas; moves apk, dex (dalvik-cache) libs.
Link2SD free (ad supported) application.
DISCLAIMER: made available use atr own risk warranty any kind.
Recent changes:
- addedroid KitKat (4.4) support
- fixed hardw search button
-me bug fixes optimizations
- added Swedish translation updatedme translations
- revamped userterface
** new sliding menu, new action bar, new multi-selectterface, new menu
- added dark lightme option
** default dark, switch lightme settings
- added "Sh" function send "Play Store" linkapp
- improved tablet support
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