2.3 up Linpus(百資) S4 Water Pool PRO purest, fun water live wallpaper available Google Play.
Itingwnloaded atincredibly fast rate getting rave reviews. updated new edition adds fun features different kinds fishnumber specifically designed new riverdmes choose.
User comments "S4 Water Pool Live Wallpaper":
✔Maximus Dane - May 28, 2013 - Version 1.13 Brilliant!!!
Great job excellent features... thankwonderful live wallpaper... :)
✔Mark Barley - May 27, 2013 - Version 1.13 Excellent live wallpapertotal timete delight, well I like fishinglooks realistic my S4 Wellne
✔Donna Oh - May 28, 2013 - Version 1.13
Smooth rendering
Beautiful,'s really like lookingtoclear pond through my phone screen. I wanted upgrade pro/paid,it seem find app. Still, free gives great basicsautiful effects pure water. Excellent
✔Frank Søvik - 27. mai 2013 - Versjon 1.11 Lekkert Ser fint ut
S4 Water Pool PRO, 3D rendered OpenGL 2.0, just amazing pure water, also fullyteractive. Swipe screen get water ripple, swish swirl any every direction. water respondsruch, moving faster, allowingodle away makingr own unique patterns water; letr imagination creater ideal water scene. Also turn page water moves providingamazing sense movement.
Besides playing water, S4 Water Pool PRO providesor fun ways filldull moment bringsmiler face. example, tap fish seem swim away change riverd stony floto mosaic, among or amazing features.
This full list features; PRO version features at front list:
(PRO) Fish customization – S4 Water Pool PRO gives different kinds fish allows choose havetween 0 3 eachm. PRO version 9 different kinds fish compd 5 free version.
(PRO) Scene/backgroundmes –tal PRO edition 5 different riverd/pond scenes compd 2 free edition. 3 additional backgrounds turn floofr water poolto richil,sandydmosaic-like Roman baths.
(PRO) CUSTOMIZED background – means that choose anyr own pics background riverd scene.
Wave strength – Set wave strength low, medium high
Wave radius – Set radius waves low, medium high
Floating plants – Opt add leaves
Show reflection – Opt showreflection
Shadows – Opt show plant fish shadows
Rain speed – Anor extra feature rain drops bursting surface water. choosetween heavy, medium light at all.
Flowing water – savelittle battery opt have water continuously flow.
S4 Water Pool PRO suitable both tablets smartphones designed portrait landscape modes.
Itly uses battery when screen.ce screen turnedf Water Pool stops consuming power.
IMPORTANT.'sLIVE WALLPAPERrefore't appliedr tapping application icon. use Water Pool PRO, go live wallpaper menur phone. Usually found returning Home, tapping Menun choosing Wallpapers.
This live wallpaperen tested latest s Samsung Galaxy S3/S4, Nexus 7, HTCeny Xperia S. Please contact usitesn't workr .
Note:your wallpaper resets default after reboot, need put app phonestead SD .
What's New
1) Add Promote Recommend
2) Update Settingterface
3) Add Korean/Russia language
1) New species animals added.
2) Adjust settings choosing amount fishes easier.
3) Fix known bugs.
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