Free|Hold Screen ON: Face detection v1.47

Hold Screen: Face detection v1.47 ₪₪ 2.3+ ₪₪ Keep screen while looking! ₪₪ ₪₪ ₪₪ application act service use front camerar phone face detection. When face detected, application prevent locking phone's screen. Just keep screen while looking. ₪₪ or words, app works likeSamsung Galaxy S3 Smart Stay featurecan detects eyeso. ₪₪ Features: ₪₪
  • Compatibility mode: run almost allroid s
  • Run background
  • Face detection
  • Eyes detection
  • Do runs when screen goesf
  • Application binding: choosehaviourdividual application
₪₪ PLEASEE: ₪₪ When service preview window active, seesinglet (which have different color brightness) atp right corner desktop, justhind time.rmal.onely possiblee way grab content camerameroid s (like HTCe, Galaxy Nexus). ₪₪your front camera have low resolution small viewing angle, try use eyes detectionstead face detection. ₪₪ application usesr phone's cameraly during face scanning. default, 3 frame every 5 seconds.tweensetervals, run any or application which lock use camera. ₪₪ What's version : (Updated : Oct 1, 2012) ₪₪ ₪₪
  • Some bugs fixed. ₪₪

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