Free|FullControl v2.4
FullControl v2.4 ₪₪ ₪₪ Compatible iPhone, iPoduch, iPad. Requires iOS 3.1 later ₪₪
₪₪ Description ₪₪ Please,re any problem contact me I resolve. ₪₪ ---------------------- ₪₪ Remain comfortably seatedr couch controlr Macfew taps! ₪₪n't usual application four buttons remote mouse: FullControl control ALLr applications,cause each simply creater own commands each application shm ors. ₪₪youn't know which commands create,n't worry, probablymeone already made shdmfore, findm addm directly application! ₪₪ Want startvideo? look mouse, FullControl allows access contents foldersr Mac launchs programr choice! ₪₪ see that mouse keyboardn't need anymore, need,re also those, plus number keypad ability shutdown, restart computer put sleep. ₪₪ How I control all applications?! ₪₪ Simple: FullControl createspecific keyboard shortcut sendrunning programder control! ₪₪ difference ors remote applications. ₪₪ FEATURES ₪₪ - Control allr applications keyboard shortcuts; ₪₪ - Ability add custom commands icon, titleshortcut; ₪₪ - shr shortcutswnload ors new; ₪₪ - Ability launch applications folder "Applications"ck; ₪₪ - Remote keyboard also landscape mode; ₪₪ - Multi-touch trackpad; ₪₪ - Changing volumer Mac viacursor remote; ₪₪ - Brightness control ₪₪ - Ability shutdown, restart, putting sleep Mac; ₪₪ - Numeric pad; ₪₪ - browser launcher; ₪₪ - Getscreenshotr Mac. ₪₪ FullControl juststalled, have already provided commands controlr musicunes, videos play VLC, manage live TV EyeTV! ₪₪ FullControl work properly requires FullControlHelper (2.3.2 higher)stalledr Mac -tel (OS X 10.5 higher) firmw 3.1.3 (or higher)stalledr iPhone iPoduch. ₪₪ FullControlHelper available free ₪₪ ---------------------- ₪₪ What's New Version 2.4 ₪₪ - iPad compatibility ₪₪ - brightness control ₪₪ - dynamic name support (ly .local ) ₪₪ - open default application ₪₪ - keyboardolbar cmd, ctrl, alt shift button ₪₪ -you havelotstalled applications searchapp name ₪₪ - bug fixes ₪₪ Morefo ₪₪ <input type="button" value=""> ₪₪